<10월 16일(금)>
Scientific Program
Special Lecture 좌장: 정상영(전남의대), 정준헌(한서병원)
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- 장기거래 근절을 위해 이식의료인이 할 일-
조원현 (계명의대)
Plenary Session 좌장: 김동구(가톨릭의대), 이석구(성균관의대)
Tailoring immunosuppression for transplant patients with HCV and HBV infection Timothy Pruett(University of Minnesota)
Update in desensitization and AMR treatment Mark Stegall(Mayo Clinic)
Concurrent Symposium 1(Kidney): Outcomes and management of high-risk transplant patients 좌장: 김유선(연세의대), 박수길(울산의대)
ECD transplantation 박재범(성균관의대)
Retransplantation and desensitization 정병하(가톨릭의대)
Patients with cardiovascular comorbidity 김범석(연세의대)
Concurrent Symposium 2(Liver): Antibody mediated rejection in liver transplantation; Is it real? 좌장: 왕희정(아주의대), 김순일(연세의대)
Overview of B-cell Immunology in Clinical Transplantation 김태진(성균관의대)
What's the AMR in Histologic Diagnosis? 이경분(서울의대)
Clinical impact of DSA and Therapeutic Implication for AMR in LT 주동진(연세의대)
Concurrent Symposium 3(Thoracic): Obstacles for long-term survival after thoracic organ transplantation 좌장: 김기봉(서울의대), 전은석(성균관의대)
Chronic rejection after heart transplantation 최진오(성균관의대)
Chronic rejection after lung transplantation 이진구(연세의대)
Malignancies after thoracic organ transplantation 박진주(서울의대)
Improving immunosuppressant 김재중(울산의대)
Concurrent Symposium 4(Basic): How far is xenotransplantation from clinical application? 좌장: 안규리(서울의대), 조홍래(울산의대)
Genetically-modified pigs 이병천(서울대)
Solid organ transplantation 윤익진(건국의대)
Islet transplantation 김성주(성균관의대)
Free paper 1(Kidney) 좌장: 문인성(가톨릭의대), 공진민(한서병원)
공여신 적출술 후 반대측 신장의 보상성 변화기의 신기능변화와 신장 손상 표지자 측정을 통한 hyperfiltration이 술 후 신장에 미치는 영향 관찰 한웅규(연세의대)
Clinical significance of pre- and post-transplant BAFF levels in kidney transplant recipients 민지원(가톨릭의대)
Computational Prediction of Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplant Recipients Using Multicenter Cohort 유경돈(동국의대)
Validation study for noninvasive diagnostic marker of acute rejection in urinary-cell mRNA 서정우(경희의대)
Transcriptome profiles in peripheral blood of kidney graft recipients 이상호(경희의대)
Free paper 2(Liver) 좌장: 조재원(성균관의대), 황신(울산의대)
간이식환자에서 이식간 NK세포와 연관된 입양면역에 따른 간세포암 조기 재발 위험의 평가 송기원(울산의대)
Adefovir- or lamivudine-induced renal tubular dysfunction after liver transplantation 이재근(연세의대)
LT or locoregional therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma fulfilling the Milan criteria 신동현(성균관의대)
Combination HBV therapy is beneficial for prevention and management of both HBV and HCC recurrence 황신(울산의대)
Which is the predictable value of post-transplant HCC recurrence between tumor-related factors? 송승환(연세의대)
Free paper 3(Thoracic/donation) 좌장: 백효채(연세의대), 김재중(울산의대)
폐 이식 후 기저질환에 따른 흉곽의 용적 변화 함석진(연세의대)
체외폐관류장치에서 수소기체의 흡입이 이식 후 폐기능에 미치는 영향 함석진(연세의대)
심장이식 환자의 이식 당시 응급도 및 대기자 순위 결정 항목 분석 송인혜(서울의대)
뇌사 장기기증자에서 시행한 전립선암 선별 검사 결과 이재명(아주의대)
뇌사추정자 통보제 시행 후 4개년 현황과 향후 발전 방향 오재숙(한국장기기증원)
Free paper 4(Basic) 좌장: 권병석(울산대), 김태진(성균관의대)
Enhanced formation of 3D printed hepatic structure with HepG2 cell line by 3d printing technique. 최동호(한양의대)
Efficient differentiation of transplantable human hepatocyte using transgene-free iPSCs 정재민(한양의대)
Enhanced effect of shTNFRI and hHO-1 gene expressing hMSC on porcine islet transplantation in humice 박효준(성균관의대)
The Effects of Coenzyme Q10 in Sirolimus-Induced Pancreatic Islet Injury 선인오(예수병원)
Resveratrol effectively suppress Th17 associated allo-immune responses by the modulation of AMPK/mTOR pathway 도경찬(서울성모병원)
Concurrent Symposium 5(Transplantaiton infection): Viral infection in transplantation 좌장: 김영훈(인제의대), 김상일(가톨릭의대)
BKV nephropathy 김찬덕(경북의대)
How to deal with emerging viral infection? 이상오(울산의대)
Transplantation in HIV+ patients 김상일(가톨릭의대), 양재석(서울의대)
Concurrent Symposium 6(Pathology): Update in diagnotic criteria 좌장: 최종영(가톨릭의대), 정현주(연세의대)
Kidney 최영진(가톨릭의대)
Liver 김혜령(서울의대)
Heart 김정선(성균관의대)
Concurrent Symposium 7(Laboratory medicine): Hot issues in laboratory medicine 좌장: 오흥범(울산의대), 강은숙(성균관의대)
Calculated PRA for Korean patients 송은영(서울의대)
epitope analysis 오은지(가톨릭의대)
Interpretation of antimicrobial susceptibility test 백경란(성균관의대)
Concurrent Symposium 8(Education): Review of important trials 좌장: 김중경(봉생병원), 허우성(성균관의대)
Diagnostic trials 이상호(경희의대)
Immunosuppression 민상일(서울의대)
Clinical tolerance 이종수(울산의대)
Free paper 5(Kidney) 좌장: 권오정(한양의대), 채동완(서울의대)
Prediction of the development of DGF using AKI criteria in deceased donor kidney ransplantation 김정호(가톨릭의대)
Kidney Donor Risk Index for Prediction of Graft Outcome in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation 박상준(울산의대)
The predictive power of renal function estimation equations for long-term kidney graft survival 최훈영(연세의대)
Free paper 6(Liver) 좌장: 김성환(조선의대),최동락(가톨릭의대)
Donor's age and Body mass index are independent factors for estimation of liver weight in deceased donor liver transplantation 최규성(성균관의대)
ImOutcomes of Living and Deceased Donor Liver Transplant Recipients according to the MELD score 이재근(연세의대)
CPoor Outcome of Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease 홍석균(서울의대)
The efficacy of exercise and diet modification for steatosis and obesity improvement of living donor 박영목(부산의대)
Free paper 7(Coordinator) 좌장: 김인옥(서울아산병원), 이정림(한국장기기증원)
장기이식 코디네이터의 뇌사자 관리 과정의 스트레스 손선영(강남세브란스병원)
뇌사자 신이식에서 냉허혈 시간에 따른 신이식 결과에 대한 고찰 박태향(경북대병원)
뇌사 간이식 수혜자의 이식 만족도와 교육요구도 박지연(서울성모병원)
당뇨가 있는 고령 환자에서 췌장이식의 임상적인 결과 정주희(서울아산병원)
Free paper 8(Basic) 좌장: 정준호(서울의대), 서수길(인제의대)
Dose-ranging study of a combination drug with cyclophosphamide and Fludarabine in non-human primate 박효준(성균관의대)
Islet isolation efficacy between total and partial pancreas tissue from cynomolgus monkey 박효준(성균관의대)
Partial Pancreatectomy Induces Beta Cell Regeneration in Cynomolgus Monkey 박효준(성균관의대)
Anti-asialo GM1 NK cell depleting antibody lead to exacerbated tubulointerstitial fibrosis in unilateral ureteric obstruction models 신성(울산의대)

<10월 17일(토)>
Scientific Program
Free paper 9(Kidney) 좌장: 오창권(아주의대),
The effect of rituximab dose on infectious complications in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation 이주한(연세의대)
Self-reported Medication Adherence in Kidney Transplant Recipients 한아람(서울의대)
Association of Mycophenolic Acid Trough Level with Adverse Events in Kidney Transplant Recipients 이수경(경북의대)
Advantages of computerized dosing strategy in tacrolimus treatment of renal transplant patients. 김송이(서울의대)
Free paper 10(Liver/intestine) 좌장: 유희철(전북의대),
허혈 재관류 손상 및 간 재생에 대한 remote ischemic conditioning 에 관한 연구 박민수(경희의대)
Outcome of 10-year protocol liver biopsy in pediatric liver transplant recipients 이상훈(성균관의대)
Tips and Pitfalls in Direct Ligation of Large Splenorenal Shunt during Liver Transplantation 김혜영(서울의대)
The Feasibility of Curative Intent Surgical Resection for Patients with HCC after LT 송승환(연세의대)
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in a 2-year-old boy with intestinal transplantation 장혜경(가톨릭의대)
Free paper 11(kidney/Laboratory medicine) 좌장: 박명희(서울의대),
HLA epitope analysis can give a successful explanation for the cytotoxic HLA antibody reactions. 박금보래(연세의대)
Clinical significance of HLA-DQ antibodies in the development of chronic antibody mediated rejection 이혜영(가톨릭의대)
Outcome of de novo donor-specific HLA antibody with normal pathology in Kidney transplantation 최찬중(서울의대)
Significance of the baseline Anti-ABO Antibody Titer in ABO-incompatible Kidney Transplantation 이교원(성균관의대)
장기 경과 신장이식 환자의 공여자 특이 항HLA 항체의 prevalence 및 임상 양상에 대한 연구 권혁용(BHS한서병원)
Free paper 12(kidney/Pancreas) 좌장: 김석영(가톨릭의대),
Clinical Significance of Pre-transplant Arterial Stiffness and the Impact of Kidney Transplantation 김현선(가톨릭의대)
Transplant outcomes of BK-virus associated nephropathy in KT using BK surveillance prptocol 이승환(성균관의대)
The effects of balanced crystalloid solution versus normal saline solution on acid-base and electrolyte status and renal function after kidney transplantation 현슬기(계명의대)
Incidence of endoscopic erosive esophagitis in pancreas transplant recipients 신성(울산의대)
Current status of clinical islet transplantation 진상만 (성균관의대)
Concurrent Symposium 9(Kidney): Tailored management according to the life cycle 좌장: 소병준(원광의대),
소아 환자 (특징, 면역억제, 탈감작) 강희경(서울의대)
가임기 여성 (임신, 피임, 면역억제) 최수진나(전남의대)
고령 환자 (특징, 적합한 공여자, 면역억제) 이식(전북의대)
Concurrent Symposium 10(Liver): How to Overcome Large for Size Graft Syndrome in Pediatric LT 좌장: 서경석(서울의대),
Acute Liver Failure in Child - Right Timing and Contraindication for LT 오석희(울산의대)
What's New in Immunosuppression Strategy for Pediattic LT Recipient 이상훈(성균관의대)
How to Overcome Large for Graft Syndrome in Pediatric LT 이남준(서울의대)
Concurrent Symposium 11(KOTRY): Practical issues in transplantation database 좌장: 김명수(연세의대),
Common errors in clinical research coordinators 안희정(MRCC)
Optimal sample preparation and storage 조대연(Lab genomics)
How to apply for data request? 정종철(아주의대)
Concurrent Symposium 12(Coordinator): 뇌사자 장기기증자 관리, 배정 및 장기구득 경험 좌장: 전경옥(세브란스병원),
HOPO 코디네이터의 경험 및 대안 김형숙(서울성모병원)
KONOS 직원의 경험 및 대안 박경자(KONOS)
KODA 코디네이터의 경험 및 대안 강현진(KODA)
이식의의 경험 및 대안 주만기(연세의대)
Mini oral-Poster Presentation 좌장: 한승엽(계명의대),
Increased HLA-DR positive T-lymphocytes in Kidney Transplant with Microcirculation Inflammation 정희연(경북의대)
Clinical significance of pre-transplant 25(OH)D levels on post-transplant clinical outcome 반태현(가톨릭의대)
Impact of Early hospital readmissions after kidney transplantation on graft function 양승윤(연세의대)
The impact of HLA sensitization to ABO compatible and incompatible kidney transplantation outcome 유지현(가톨릭의대)
Thymoglobulin Versus Basiliximab Induction Therapy for Kidney Transplant from Deceased Donor with Acute Kidney Injury 김정섭(고려의대)
Overcoming of very high anti A/B antibody titer in ABO incompatable KTP: single center study 이진호(봉생병원)
Do we need radioisotope renography in evaluation of split renal function in living kidney donors? 윤영은(연세의대)
Mini oral-Poster Presentation 좌장: 김재영(가천대),
Usability of cryopreserved aorta homografts for middle hepatic vein reconstruction during LDLT 김석환(울산의대)
Analysis of initial 100 cases of a new liver transplantation program : the Korea University Anam hospital experience 김동식(고려의대)
Multiple bile ducts: Do the duct distances have an impact on the recipient's biliary problems? 윤경철(서울의대)
Surgical strategy to overcome direct shunt ligation induced portal HTN in small PV with large shunt 윤경철(서울의대)
The effect of nafamostat mesilate to minimize ischemic-reperfusion injury of the liver following liver transplantation : a single arm pilot 유영동(고려의대)
Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG)-induced T-cell depletion in cynomolgus monkey 박효준(성균관의대)
Combination of mTOR inhibitor & NAC exerts synergistic inhibition on stellate cell activation 최윤영(고려의대)