08:10~08:10 개막식 회장: 이승규(울산의대)
08:10~09:10 연구비발표/연수보고 좌장: 서보양(영남의대), 한덕종(울산의대)
08:10~08:25 NK세포 chemotaxis blocker: 장기보존액의 유효성분으로서 허혈-재관류에 의한 신 손상억제 효과 검증 이종수(울산대병원)
08:25~08:40 심장이식거부반응에서 IL-33의 역할 박상준(울산대병원)
08:40~08:55 신장이식 환자들의 ABCB1 유전자 다형성이 급성거부반응의 스테로이드 저항성에 미치는 영향 분석 양재석(서울의대)
08:55~09:10 Abdominal Transplant Surgery Fellowship Training in USA 김주현(경희의대)
09:10~09:40 Coffee break
09:40~10:30 Plenary Lecture 좌장: 이승규(울산의대), 서경석(서울의대)
09:40~10:30 Models Deceased donor liver allocation

Richard B. Freeman, MD
(William N. and Bessie Allyn Professor and Chair, Department of Surgery, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth Medical School)

10:30∼11:00 Coffee break
11:00~12:00 Concurrent Symposium 1 : Kidney Transplantation: Expanded criteria donor 좌장: 문인성(가톨릭의대), 김중경(봉생병원)
11:00~11:20 Kidney transplantation from deceased donor with acute kidney injury 정철웅(고려의대)
11:20~11:40 Kidney transplantation from deceased donor with diabetes mellitus 이식(전북의대)
11:40~12:00 ECD criteria in Korea, Is it relavant ? 김지일(가톨릭의대)
11:00~12:00 Concurrent Symposium 2 : Liver Transplantation Concurrent Session 좌장: 김순일(연세의대), 조재원(성균관의대)
11:00~11:20 HBV update- NA monotherapy, real or phantom? 장정원(가톨릭의대)
11:20~11:40 HCV update- Protease inhibitor triple therapy and beyond 심주현(울산의대)
11:40~12:00 HIV- What's new in LT for HIV patients 김상일(가톨릭의대)
11:00~12:00 Concurrent Symposium 3 : Heart/Lung transplantation 좌장: 백효채(연세의대), 김재중(울산의대)
11:00~11:20 Hepatitis virus infection in patients with heart transplantation 이해영(서울의대)
11:20~11:40 Impact of RV function on outcome after lung transplantation 장혁재(연세의대)
11:40~12:00 ECMO in lung transplantation 성기익(성균관의대)
12:00~12:30 General Assembly
12:30~13:30 Luncheon Symposium
12:30~13:30 Luncheon Symposium I(아스텔라스)
12:30~13:30 Luncheon Symposium II(종근당)
12:30~13:30 Luncheon Symposium III(로슈)
13:30~14:45 Free paper 1: Kidney 좌장: 공진민(BHS한서병원), 권오정(한양의대)
Free paper 2: Liver 좌장: 김주섭(한림의대), 최진섭(연세의대)
Free paper 3: Kidney 좌장: 김연수(서울의대), 김범석(연세의대)
14:45~15:00 Coffee Break
15:00~16:15 Free paper 4: Kidney 좌장: 김성환(조선의대), 오창권(아주의대)
Free paper 5: Liver 좌장: 유영경(가톨릭의대), 황신(울산의대)
Free paper 6: Basic and other 좌장: 박정규(서울의대), 소병준(원광의대)
16:15~16:30 Coffee Break
16:30~17:30 Satellite Symposium: Updates in Fungal Infections in SOT recipients 좌장: 조백환(전북의대), 안규리(서울의대)
16:30~16:50 Experience of critical fungal infections 주동진(연세의대)
16:50~17:10 New Diagnostic methods of fungal infections in SOT recipients 성흥섭(울산의대)
17:10~17:30 Management of Invasive fungal infections in SOT recipients 백경란(성균관의대)

07:30~08:00 등록
08:00~09:00 Concurrent Symposium 4: Kidney : Desensitization strategy 좌장: 채동완(서울의대), 양철우(가톨릭의대)
08:00~08:20 Desensitization therapy in kidney transplantation. Has it a clear survival benefit? 허규하(연세의대)
08:20~08:40 Can new laboratory technique reduce the rejection risks in 'highly sensitized' kidney transplants 양재석(서울의대)
08:40~09:00 Current and promising protocols in pre- and post-transplant desensitization 김찬덕(경북의대)
08:00~09:00 Concurrent Symposium 5: Liver 좌장: 채권묵(원광의대), 왕희정(아주의대)
08:00~08:20 Highly sensitized recipients: is it justified for an elective LDLT from surveillance for safety to outcome of LT
(DSA, Crossmatch)
08:20~08:40 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Liver Transplantation 강형진(서울의대)
08:40~09:00 ABOi LT for infant: from LDLT to DDLT-widening of split LT candidates 송기원(울산의대)
08:00~09:00 Concurrent Symposium 6: Laboratory medicine(New biomarker in transplantation) 좌장: 조홍래(울산대병원), 오은지(가톨릭의대)
08:00~08:20 Microchimerism in organ transplantation 주신영(인제의대)
08:20~08:40 Extended Lymphocyte Subset Test in Kidney Transplantation 박재범(성균관의대)
08:40~09:00 Methods for therapeutic drug monitoring of immunosuppressants 채효진(가톨릭의대)
09:00~10:15 Free paper 7(Kidney/pancreas) 좌장: 정상영(전남의대), 김병창(메리놀병원)
09:00~10:15 Free paper 8(Organ donation and Others) 좌장: 유희철(전북의대), 최문석(성균관의대)
09:00~10:15 Free paper 9(Ethics, Coordinator) 좌장: 홍정자(서울아산병원), 홍승희(삼성서울병원)
10:15~10:45 Coffee break
10:45~12:00 Free paper 10(Kidney/pancreas) 좌장: 박성광(전북의대), 이삼열(한림의대)
10:45~12:00 Free paper 11(Liver) 좌장: 김동구(가톨릭의대), 최동락(대구가톨릭의대)
10:45~12:00 Coordinator Symposium/General Assembly 좌장: 하희선(서울아산병원), 김복녀(삼성서울병원)
10:45-11:25 뇌사자 장기기증부터 이식까지의 코디네이터의 실무와 역할 전경옥(세브란스병원)
11:25-11:35 Discussion
11:35-12:00 코디네이터회 총회
12:00~12:30 Awards ceremony and closing