2월 15일 (금)
07:50~08:20 등록
08:20~08:30 개회사 회장: 이승규
08:30~10:30 Session 1 : Pathology of Rejection 좌장: 정현주(연세의대)
08:30~09:00 Pros and cons for C4d as a biomarker for=""rejection 한지영(인하의대)
09:00~09:30 New concept of antibody mediated rejection 최영진(가톨릭의대)
09:30~10:00 Antibody-mediated rejection in the liver allograft:
implication of C4d staining in liver graft
10:00~10:30 Histologic features of late liver allograft dysfunction 유은실(울산의대)
10:30~10:50 Coffee Break
10:50~12:10 Session 2 : Special Lecture 좌장:이석구(성균관의대)
10:50~11:40 How to promote Basic Science Research in transplantation Kathryn Wood
(University of Oxford)
11:40~12:10 How to pick up research topic for young clinical research
12:10~13:10 Luncheon Symposium SANOFI
Experience of Thymoglobuline Induction in Kidney Transplantation
13:10~13:30 Break
13:30~15:00 Session 3 : B cell Biology in Transplantation 좌장: 양철우(가톨릭의대)
13:30~14:00 How are anti-HLA antibodies generated and does memory response occur in transplantation settings ? 박성규(GIST)
14:00~14:30 How are anti-ABO antibodies generated and does it lead to accommodation in transplantation settings? 김태진(성균관의대)
14:30~15:00 How do antibodies attack donor tissues? - effector mechanisms in antibody-mediated rejection 정준호(서울의대)
15:00~15:30 Coffee Break
15:30~17:30 Session 4 : Scientific Methodology for Transplantation 좌장: 조홍래(울산의대)
15:30~16:00 Best methods of sample preparation for omics 이상호(경희의대)
16:00~16:30 RNA interference-based therapy in transplantation 김재영(가천의대)
16:30-17:00 Cardiac transplantation in mice 민상일(서울의대)
17:00-17:30 Islet transplantation in mice 박재범(성균관의대)
2월 16일(토)
08:00~08:30 등록
08:30~10:00 Session 5: Unusual Events Difficult to Control During Early ostoperative Period After Kidney Transplantation 좌장: 박수길(울산의대)
08:30~10:00 Session 6: Unusual Events Difficult to Control During Early Postoperative Period After Liver Transplantation 좌장: 조재원(성균관의대)
10:00~10:20 Coffee Break
10:20~12:00 Session 7 : Organ recovery: Technical and Social Art of Organ recovery 좌장: 문인성(가톨릭의대)
10:20~10:40 Medical art in Marginal donor management 이   식(전북의대)
10:40~11:00 Optimal method of organ recovery 백효채(연세의대)
11:00~11:20 장기구득 현장에서 생길 수도 있는 일 전경옥(세브란스병원)
11:20~11:40 Social Art of Organ recovery (매너 교육) 박민정(서울의대)
11:40~12:00 장기구득 현장 및 갈등 관리 시스템 구축 윤익진(건국의대)
12:00~13:00 Luncheon Symposium ASTELLAS
Optimal timing of conversion from CNI to SRL in Kidney transplantation.
Advagraf® Clinical Trial : AdProCISE
13:00~13:30 Break
13:30~14:30 Session 8 : Issues of living donors 좌장: 김순일(연세의대)
13:30~13:50 Who can or cannot be an organ donor? - social aspect 김명희(국가생명윤리정책연구원)
13:50~14:10 Who can or cannot be an organ donor? - medical aspect 정상영(전남의대)
14:10~14:30 Unanimous Living donor Organ Donation 자발적 장기기증자의 평가 및 활용방안 권오정(한양의대)
14:30~15:30 Pannel Discussion
우리나라 생체 장기 기증 관리 발전방향
김택(KONOS), 김순일(연세의대),
김영훈(인제의대), 유진숙(생명잇기),
정상영(전남의대), 권오정(한양의대),
15:30~ 폐회